Monday, June 30, 2014
Travel Tip 18 - Make a List
About a week before we go anywhere, I start making my packing list. I am the type of person that loves list but even if you don't, this is a great travel tip. My packing list includes a list of things I need to buy before the trip. Then there are different sections for everyone bag that I am carrying-diaper bag, carry on, suitcases, kids backpacks. It may sound like alot of work but it makes packing so much easier. You just have to grab what you need, throw it in the bag and check it off and then you won't forget as much stuff! Also, make sure you type your list and save it so you can pull it up next time you travel and will just have to add somethings and take somethings off and you are ready to go. I need to start working on my list for our next trip even as we speak (but maybe I will wait a few days) When I finish it, I will post it so you could even copy my list and change it to work for you.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Travel Tip 17 - Bath Toys
If you have big kids then this tip may not be for you. But for us, something that is on my packing list for each trip is bath tub toys. When we get back to the hotel, no matter how late, the kids get in the bath tub. Mine are small enough now that they still take baths together. I run around the room working like a mad woman. My husband is keeping an eye on the kids but for me to be able to get everything ready, I need for them to stay in the bathtub as long as we can keep them there. These 10+ minutes of uninterrupted time for me saves us at least an hour in the morning.
Here is what I do during their bath time: I get out everyone's pajamas (kids and mine), get their beds ready, lay out their clothes for tomorrow, go through everything we have brought back into the hotel and put it away, start a pile by the door to take with us the next morning, empty the ice chest, wash the cups and bottles and refill them, go through my diaper bag and refill it for the next day and add more snacks to my bag. If I finish all of this, I might even have time to sit down for 2 minutes before bathtime is over. 2 minutes might be an overestimate.
But this is the get them to stay in the bathtub for a decent amount of time, I need them to be entertained. So I bring new bath toys for them. Just little ones will do-sometime those capsules that expand to make sponge animals or the washcloths that start off tiny and get bigger. Anything will do as long as it is new and different from home. I can even use the new washcloths and capsules as a bribe. The dollar store is my friend and I use it for new little bath toys. My kids get a big kick out of Mom letting them put something in the bath that they don't get to put in the tub at home-cars, balls or anything else that isn't usually a bath toy.
So for me, to make my mornings run smoothly, I need time to get things ready. To have time to get things ready, I need the kids to stay in the bathtub. To get the kids to stay in the bathtub, I need them to be entertained. For the kids to be entertained, they need new bath toys!
Here is what I do during their bath time: I get out everyone's pajamas (kids and mine), get their beds ready, lay out their clothes for tomorrow, go through everything we have brought back into the hotel and put it away, start a pile by the door to take with us the next morning, empty the ice chest, wash the cups and bottles and refill them, go through my diaper bag and refill it for the next day and add more snacks to my bag. If I finish all of this, I might even have time to sit down for 2 minutes before bathtime is over. 2 minutes might be an overestimate.
But this is the get them to stay in the bathtub for a decent amount of time, I need them to be entertained. So I bring new bath toys for them. Just little ones will do-sometime those capsules that expand to make sponge animals or the washcloths that start off tiny and get bigger. Anything will do as long as it is new and different from home. I can even use the new washcloths and capsules as a bribe. The dollar store is my friend and I use it for new little bath toys. My kids get a big kick out of Mom letting them put something in the bath that they don't get to put in the tub at home-cars, balls or anything else that isn't usually a bath toy.
So for me, to make my mornings run smoothly, I need time to get things ready. To have time to get things ready, I need the kids to stay in the bathtub. To get the kids to stay in the bathtub, I need them to be entertained. For the kids to be entertained, they need new bath toys!
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Travel Tip 16 - Pack a Bag or a Box
Every trip we go on, I always pack an extra collapsible box that I have bought at the container store. Sometimes, I even pack two. As soon as we get to the hotel, I open the boxes up and instantly have a spot for the kids toys. They are in the box and ready to be taken to the car in the morning and now we have our own toy box to keep our hotel room tidy. The second box I use for my stuff-coats, gps, books, snacks, etc. Anything that I will need the next day will go in the box ready to go. In the car, the boxes are great to put in things that need to come back to the hotel room. You could use a bag for this too, but the collapsible boxes just work well for me-mainly because I can see everything that is in them. So pack your bags and pack a box or two!
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Travel Tip 15 - Go to the Library
I always head to the library before a trip to look for travel books. My library has a service where I can find my books online and then pick them up at my library in a few days. I always get a few travel books for each trip. My favorite books are the Fodor's books. They have lots of great information plus they have walks or drives which show you the sites-and I love that. I like to have a few books so I can flip through them and take notes. Since packing is always tight, I pick the book that I need and take it and I make copies of anything from the other books and put it in my travel notebook (I will post about it another day).
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Travel Tip 14 - Stop and Pick up Sticks
When it was just my husband and I traveling, we could go from morning to night without stopping. We would hop out of the car to take a picture and jump back in-but now we are traveling with kids-and everything is different. I first realized this when we hopped out of the car to take a quick picture and 15 minutes later my daughter is still picking up sticks. Yes, it would have been quicker to shoo her in the car but trust me, she had more fun looking at sticks in front of the Mammoth Caves sign.
I have come to realize that my kids memories are different than mine. I remember the museums, the restaurants or the scenery. My kids remember the donuts, the swimming pool, the bugs and even the sticks. It is good for my husband and me to slow down and let them be kids and explore. There will be plenty of time for everything we want to do and there will be time to smell the roses and pick up the sticks.
I have come to realize that my kids memories are different than mine. I remember the museums, the restaurants or the scenery. My kids remember the donuts, the swimming pool, the bugs and even the sticks. It is good for my husband and me to slow down and let them be kids and explore. There will be plenty of time for everything we want to do and there will be time to smell the roses and pick up the sticks.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Travel Tip 13 - Buckle Up
Well, this post isn't too exciting at all. But it is just a reminder to buckle up even while on vacation. I just read an article about injuries on a plane during turbulence. I sure don't like to think that that can happen but it does. On a recent flight, it was fairly bumpy but the seat belt sign had been turned off so I headed to the bathroom with my oldest child. The pilot turned the seat belt sign back on while we were in the bathroom and we made it back just in time before the plane started bouncing again. It is not an option while on an airplane, my kids are always buckled up. Yes, sometimes they are all sprawled out laying across me and other seats but they are buckled up. You can never be too cautious.
Oh, I didn't even mention buckling up in the car. I am sure everyone does that but here is a tip: when you are trying to put that car seat in the car after getting off the plane, take a few minutes and do it right. I always get in a hurry and sometimes know that I could do a better job if I took my time. So take your time and play it safe!
Oh, I didn't even mention buckling up in the car. I am sure everyone does that but here is a tip: when you are trying to put that car seat in the car after getting off the plane, take a few minutes and do it right. I always get in a hurry and sometimes know that I could do a better job if I took my time. So take your time and play it safe!
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Travel Tip 12 - Extra Clothes
Have you ever tried to buy clothes for a 2 year old at Walgreens? I have and there aren't many choices-so she wore a boys undershirt and a sweatshirt that she can probably wear well in 5 years. Needless to say, now I always have a change of clothes for each of my kids with me. Yes, that is alot of clothes but it just takes one accident, one sick kid or even one ice cream cone to cause havoc. My kids are small so maybe older preschoolers or even older kids may not need extra clothes.....but you never can be too cautious.
I find the smallest and thinest clothes-a complete outfit including socks, underwear or diaper. Each set of clothes I stuff into a gallon ziplock bag and squeeze the air out. In the car, I can throw these in the trunk and can get to them easily and on a plane, I line the bottom of my diaperbag backpack with them. It seems like a hassle and I usually never need them (except for the baby) but when you need extra clothes-you need them now.
I find the smallest and thinest clothes-a complete outfit including socks, underwear or diaper. Each set of clothes I stuff into a gallon ziplock bag and squeeze the air out. In the car, I can throw these in the trunk and can get to them easily and on a plane, I line the bottom of my diaperbag backpack with them. It seems like a hassle and I usually never need them (except for the baby) but when you need extra clothes-you need them now.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Reason to Take the Kids 2 - Quality Time
Have you ever heard someone say that they don't travel because they don't want to take their kids out of school or they don't want to miss their baseball games. I know school is important so maybe you don't want to take your kids out of school to go on a trip. But here is my thought on the issue: your child will gain more from spending a week with his parents than anything he will learn in school during a week. You should take your kids with you because the quality time you will spend together is may be alot of time spend in planes, cars, lines and hotel rooms. It is not what you do that makes traveling special, it is who you do it with. Spending time with your family is so worthwhile. There are only young for a few years so load up the car and get going.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Travel Tip 11 - Unpack now!
I hate coming home from trips. I could cry on every plane ride or car ride home-reality is no fun compared to vacations. Arrive home late at night, kids to get to bed, work and school the next day, a dirty house along with suitcases of clothes-makes you just want to climb into bed. But don't: unpack and unpack now! I know, it doesn't sound like any fun but unpacking is also an important part of the trip. Over the next few days, your kids will be re-adjusting to being at home and your life won't slow down much either so now is the time to unpack. And you will feel so good the next morning if most of your stuff is already put away....and ready for the next trip.
Here are some tips for unpacking. First, do it now or maybe wait to the kids are in bed. One suitcase has only dirty clothes and that suitcase it taken straight to the laundry room and dumped into the washer. By bedtime, I can have that load in the dryer and ready to put up the next morning. The other suitcases should be opened and emptied in a common area. Pile kitchen items in one pile, clean clothes in another and bathroom stuff in another. Now, you just have a few trips to put everything up and big kids could even help out. Take those suitcases infront of the closet or near the garage (or where ever you store them) and leave them unzipped for the night to air out. The next morning all you have left to do it fold the laundry and put of the suitcases. This way your vacation can end on a good note!
Here are some tips for unpacking. First, do it now or maybe wait to the kids are in bed. One suitcase has only dirty clothes and that suitcase it taken straight to the laundry room and dumped into the washer. By bedtime, I can have that load in the dryer and ready to put up the next morning. The other suitcases should be opened and emptied in a common area. Pile kitchen items in one pile, clean clothes in another and bathroom stuff in another. Now, you just have a few trips to put everything up and big kids could even help out. Take those suitcases infront of the closet or near the garage (or where ever you store them) and leave them unzipped for the night to air out. The next morning all you have left to do it fold the laundry and put of the suitcases. This way your vacation can end on a good note!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Travel Tip 10 - Empty Water Bottle

If you are traveling with an infant, you have water with you anytime you need to use your formula powder to make a bottle or if you have older children, you can pour in a drink mix and have an instant snack. That water bottle is a trusty standby in my carryon. Now that my kids can carry their own backpacks, they even have their own bottle which they know to fill up at the first water fountain past security.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Travel Tip 9 - They will eat when they are hungry
Eating while traveling is hard for adults so I can only imagine that it is harder for kids. When we travel my kids are distracted by the new surroundings, scared to try new food or even too tired or too hot to eat. So here is what I do, I trust that they have enough sense to eat when they are hungry. If they eat when we sit down to eat, great; if they don't, then they will eat later. Actually, that is the eating philosophy at my house when we are not traveling-why sweat the small stuff.
It is important to have plenty of snacks and drinks with you so they can eat when they are hungry. But those snacks are also great to prevent a meltdown or to be used as bribes. I choose not to worry about what they eat while traveling and I especially don't worry about them not eating a balanced meal. We can eat more balanced meals at home-the main goal while traveling is keeping your kids happy. If that means they don't eat a bite at supper, then that is okay!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Travel Tip 8 - Pack a few extra plastic bags
In honor of earth week, I have a travel tip about recycling-kind of. If you have a child in diapers, you have changed their diaper in every place imaginable-trunks of cars, park benches or even balanced on a sink. Just imagine having to find diaper changing spots while traveling. This is when you pull our your plastic bags that you can reuse (or I just take a few extra when I bag my groceries-that way they fold much better). I just open one up and lay my baby's head on one and grab a second one to dispose of the diaper in. And in a pinch, you can even tie it to the outside if your car until you can find a trashcan (done that). I am probably obsessed with bringing bags on trips but this are cheap and great for diapers, vomit (sorry-done that too), wet clothes or car trash bags. Keep them close and you will use one every few minutes.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Travel Tip 7 - Don't worry about their ears
Oh, so many things to worry about-but here is one thing that you don't have to worry about on a plane: ears! How many times have you heard someone say that kids will fuss on a plane because of their ears. Maybe it is true-but for the most part it is probably just an old wives tale. Yes, their ears may be uncomfortable-so let them have their paci, feed them (forget about that Babywise schedule), give them something to eat or even rub their ears. My 2 month old wasn't bothered by his ears on his first flight nor have my 3 kids on any of their other flights-well over 30 different flights. My son even had a horrible ear infection (which we didn't know about) on our last flights home and never seemed to be bothered by it. The doctor explained the science of why the flight didn't hurt him but it was too complex for me to get. But I do get this: don't worry about their ears, they will be fine.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Travel Tip 6: Pack the Medicine
We usually remember the big items while packing but sometimes I forget about the things that I usually don't need-like medicine. But when a kid wakes in the middle of the night with crazy high temperature or even worse, the stomach bug, you need to have your medicine. I have my trusty ziplock bags (see Travel Tip 2) filled with every medicine we could need on our trip. Yes, it takes up tons of packing room but if I need it, I have to have it. Tylenol, thermometer, Benadryl, any prescription medicine that we have used lately. If it is in my medicine cabinet now, I take it. I try to condense it and take the smallest amount I can but how horrible would it be to desparately need medicine in the middle of the night and not have it. Also, I always try to spot the closest Walgreens or 24 hour store on my way to the hotel-you never know what you are going to need. Also, if we are traveling in the car, I always stick in my pedialyte. We have never needed it (knock on wood) but it is nice to know that it is there if we do. So take that medicine and hopefully you will never need it!
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Travel Tip 5 - Practice, Practice
A very important aspect of traveling with kids is often overlooked because we get too busy with planning and packing. I first realized the need for this tip before flying across country with my now 2 year old boy-who can sometimes act like a 2 year old boy! He needed practice and lots of practice. I grabbed boxes from the garage and soon had me a few airplane seats, we colored some tickets and filled up our backpacks with toys laying around. We took turns being the flight attendant passing out real food. The "pilot" would make sure everyone was buckled up and make sure that the tray tables were up as well. The kids got a big kick out of and it kept them busy from most of the afternoon. Because of that practice session, that plane ride was a success....but passing through security wasn't so great. So before the next trip, we practice walking through the security line: putting our favorite toys in a box, taking our shoes off and walking through the metal detectors by ourselves. Practice, practice is what we do now before each trip-sometimes we practice standing in a line, getting on and off a trolley or even listening while on a walking tour. I don't know if practice makes perfect or not, but I do know that it sure does help.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Travel Tip 4-Buy a zoo pass
Here is a great tip which has saved us alot of planning time and money while on our trips. Buy a zoo membership to your local zoo. You can enjoy this all year long with your children but the bonus is that many zoos will allow you free or discounted admission with your zoo pass from your hometown zoo. So often, we don't feel like we can spend the whole day at a zoo while we are sightseeing but do have time to pop in for an hour or two. If we had to pay the full admission price, we probably wouldn't go for just a little bit but since it is free it is a perfect way to spend a few hours. So before you leave town, grab a zoo pass so you can enjoy your zoo but also enjoy many zoos around the country.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Reason to Take the Kids 1-Memories (mine, not theirs)
"Why would you bring them? You know, they won't remember any of this." Ever heard that? We did on one of our last trips and my husband almost came unglued. It was no shocker to us that our 18 month old, 2 year old and probably our 4 and 5 year old would barely remember our trip. From our last few trips, the memories that my kids have talked about the most are swimming in the hotel pool, eating a donut and Dad giving them candy. We can do all of that at home and don't have to travel far to make those memories. My kids remembering a trip is not the reason we take them on our travels. There are many reasons but the main reason is a selfish reason: we want to have tons of memories with our kids. They may not remember a bit of Chicago but I will always remember my child throwing down her spoons to clap at the House of Blues. Our kids will be grown and gone before long and my picture albums may have all turned yellow, but we have made so many memories while traveling. So take your kids the next time you travel and it may be a completely different experience than you had expected but you will have a ton of wonderful memories of your trip.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Travel Tip 3-Souvenirs: buy them at home
Have you ever walked through Disneyworld or even a museum or zoo and seen people spending hundreds of dollars of souvenirs? Those same souvenirs, the ones that we wouldn't buy for our kids at home because they are cheaply made and will fall apart, are the ones that we pay three and four times more for on vacation. Why? Because we want our kids to have a great memory of our travels. Most of those souvenirs will be broken, lost or not important by the time we have made it back through security at the airport. I know, I have a $20 broken monorail toy sitting at my feet right now.
And I think there is a better way. Each time we go on a trip, I hit my local dollar store and discount stores before we go. Disneyworld-I collect Mickey and Princess stuff for weeks before we go. Zoos-animal stickers, those big animal cups that cost 15+ at the zoo are practically free at garage sales. I try to do this for every place that we go. My kids think they are getting something special and I have plenty to use as bribes (this post will come soon) when I need them. It is a win-win situation.
Yes, kids do need souvenirs, but a stuffed buffalo or painted rocks are not what I want to spend my money on. I do set a limit for each child and that is there money to buy a worthwhile souvenir. My kids are still to young, but I would love for them to develop some type of collection that they could add to during their travels. There are some souvenirs that you must have, and go ahead buy them-you are on vacation.
But save some meltdowns, time and money by planning ahead. So before you go, think about what your kids like, where you are going and what you are going to do and I bet that you can find some great souvenirs very cheap in your hometown.
And I think there is a better way. Each time we go on a trip, I hit my local dollar store and discount stores before we go. Disneyworld-I collect Mickey and Princess stuff for weeks before we go. Zoos-animal stickers, those big animal cups that cost 15+ at the zoo are practically free at garage sales. I try to do this for every place that we go. My kids think they are getting something special and I have plenty to use as bribes (this post will come soon) when I need them. It is a win-win situation.
Yes, kids do need souvenirs, but a stuffed buffalo or painted rocks are not what I want to spend my money on. I do set a limit for each child and that is there money to buy a worthwhile souvenir. My kids are still to young, but I would love for them to develop some type of collection that they could add to during their travels. There are some souvenirs that you must have, and go ahead buy them-you are on vacation.
But save some meltdowns, time and money by planning ahead. So before you go, think about what your kids like, where you are going and what you are going to do and I bet that you can find some great souvenirs very cheap in your hometown.
Travel Tip 2-Ziplock bags are your friend
When packing for my family, I usually use a zillion ziplock bags. Yes, I mean a zillion. For each child, I stuff a shirt, pants, socks, diaper or underwear in a gallon bag. I have even done that with my clothes-well, not all of my clothes will usually fit in a gallon size ziplock bag. But anyway, any thing that has liquid in it (cough medicine, juiceboxes) are also packed in ziplock bags. With my medicine, each bottle is in a small bag and then they are all placed into a large bag. Also, anything that I do not want to get wet (just about everything else) is in a bag.
Plus, I have a bag for morning stuff (toothpaste, toothbrushes, comb, hair bows,...) and bag for bathtime stuff (small bath toys, soap, lotion...) That way the bag is easy to grab when I need it. I try to divide my snacks into snack size bags so I can just reach in the diaper bag and pass out the goodies and then that evening I can take more snack size bags from my suitcase to refill the diaper bag stash.
Also, it is handy to take a few extra bags for wet swimsuits, collecting rocks on the beach, holding snacks after the kids tear the bag apart, or even a hand puppet while waiting in a line. Ziplock bags are your friend and you can never have to many.
Plus, I have a bag for morning stuff (toothpaste, toothbrushes, comb, hair bows,...) and bag for bathtime stuff (small bath toys, soap, lotion...) That way the bag is easy to grab when I need it. I try to divide my snacks into snack size bags so I can just reach in the diaper bag and pass out the goodies and then that evening I can take more snack size bags from my suitcase to refill the diaper bag stash.
Also, it is handy to take a few extra bags for wet swimsuits, collecting rocks on the beach, holding snacks after the kids tear the bag apart, or even a hand puppet while waiting in a line. Ziplock bags are your friend and you can never have to many.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Travel Tip 1-Carry antiseptic hand gel and use it often
Even if you have the travel bug, you don’t have to exterminate it after you have kids. Flying across the country? Driving thousands of miles? Changing hotels every night? Traveling with kids? It is all overwhelming but traveling with babies, toddlers or even big kids can be done and can be enjoyable for not only the kids but for the adults on the trip. We have traveled through many airports pushing two strollers filled with 3 kids, pulling 3 car seats and lugging backpacks, diaper bags and suitcases.
The most common question that strangers in the airport ask us is “Are you crazy?” Maybe we are. Traveling with kids can be tough, tiring and at times it can even be torture. I have had a kid with the stomach bug at the Fort Worth Stockyards, stayed up all night with a colicky baby at the Yellowstone Lodge, and even changed a messy diaper on an airplane tray table on my way to LA. Sorry, but you have to do what you have to do! See Tip 1.
But we wouldn’t do it any other way. It can be hard, but more often than not the times we have spent in hotels, airports, museums, parks, subways and all the other places that traveling has taken us has been exciting, fun and full of memories.
The most common question that strangers in the airport ask us is “Are you crazy?” Maybe we are. Traveling with kids can be tough, tiring and at times it can even be torture. I have had a kid with the stomach bug at the Fort Worth Stockyards, stayed up all night with a colicky baby at the Yellowstone Lodge, and even changed a messy diaper on an airplane tray table on my way to LA. Sorry, but you have to do what you have to do! See Tip 1.
But we wouldn’t do it any other way. It can be hard, but more often than not the times we have spent in hotels, airports, museums, parks, subways and all the other places that traveling has taken us has been exciting, fun and full of memories.
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