Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Travel Tip 8 - Pack a few extra plastic bags

In honor of earth week, I have a travel tip about recycling-kind of. If you have a child in diapers, you have changed their diaper in every place imaginable-trunks of cars, park benches or even balanced on a sink. Just imagine having to find diaper changing spots while traveling. This is when you pull our your plastic bags that you can reuse (or I just take a few extra when I bag my groceries-that way they fold much better). I just open one up and lay my baby's head on one and grab a second one to dispose of the diaper in. And in a pinch, you can even tie it to the outside if your car until you can find a trashcan (done that). I am probably obsessed with bringing bags on trips but this are cheap and great for diapers, vomit (sorry-done that too), wet clothes or car trash bags. Keep them close and you will use one every few minutes.

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